
Diablo 4 announce
Diablo 4 announce

diablo 4 announce

Inarius was imprisoned in deepest recesses of Hell by Mephisto and tortured for centuries. This looked awesome but I am really confused on the lore here.

diablo 4 announce diablo 4 announce

I hope they explain this and don’t just end up retconning everything. Lilith was the best candidate for who might have set him free but if he’s out to kill her it’s obviously not her, hence my confusion. Instead he looks like a member of the Angiris Council. How did he get out and at the head of a Nephalem host at that? He should be a shell of his former self if not a demented and malformed husk like Izual. Huh, Lilith is far from blessed =D Comment by Kerathras on T22:35:30-06:00 That trailer was sickkk! Also, it's June 6th, not december 6th Comment by PolishBunny on T22:34:46-06:00 The video says D4 launches June 6th, not December.

Diablo 4 announce